CNN Inerview mit Michel Platini
CNN Inerview mit Michel Platini
CNNs Sportkorrespondent Pedro Pinto hat in einem Exklusiv-Interview mit UEFA Präsident Michele Platini unter anderem über das anstehende Champions-League-Finale zwischen dem FC Bayern München und Borussia Dortmund gesprochen: „Ich denke, das ist ein sehr schönes Finale… Beide Mannschaften sind super und ich hoffe, dass es eine unterhaltsame Show wird.“

Weitere Themen des Interviews sind die Debatte um die Torlinientechnik, der Rassismus im Fußball und Sir Alex Fergusons Rücktritt.

Highlights des Interviews:

On the Champions League final:

I think it’s a very beautiful final by the way they play. They are very nice teams, and I hope it will be a very nice show.

On German football:

Everything changed a lot in 2006 for the World Cup; where they build the stadiums, beautiful stadiums, big stadiums with big hospitality, with big area of advertising and hospitality, and from this moment the incomes changed a lot… They have no losses. They have no debts. And they are in the final of Champions League. Everything is beautiful for them.

On goal-line technology:

Well we don’t need because we have referees for that. For me, for me, for the UEFA competition, it will cost me 52 million euro to have the goal-line technology because I have to put in all the games in the Champions League and all the games of the Europa League. I have to put it in Kazakhstan like in Manchester, like in Turkey for all the games. It costs me 52 million euro, for one goal? Two goals by year? I prefer to invest that for the use football in the grassroots.

On players leaving the field in response to racist chanting:

…it’s not a matter of the player to regulate the game and to stop the game; it’s a matter of the referee. The referee can stop the game for racist. But a player? He can’t do that. It’s not possible otherwise if you are not happy, you lost 3-0, you can go out, and what’s happened?

On Sir Alex Ferguson:

For Alex Ferguson to stay 25 years in the same club, in the same big club, is something that will never more happen. He won everything and he’s very clever in the management of the players. He’s very clever of the manager of the group. He’s very clever in his management of society.

On Beckham:

David Beckham is different. He’s another icon of the English football. He had beautiful years in Manchester, Real Madrid, and he has done a beautiful thing this… after winning the French league and retire he’s [laughs].

Vollständiges Interview mit Michel Platini:

Pedro Pinto
When you talk about the Bundesliga finally having two teams in the final it shows their strength in Europe. How would you describe the Bundesliga and the model of the clubs there?

Michel Platini
Everything changed a lot in 2006 for the World Cup; where they build the stadiums, beautiful stadiums, big stadiums with big hospitality, with big area of advertising and hospitality, and from this moment the incomes changed a lot.

Pedro Pinto
So should other countries learn from what Germany has done?

Michel Platini
Of course. They have no losses. They have no debts. And they are in the final of Champions League. Everything is beautiful for them

Pedro Pinto
Goalline technology is a subject we normally discuss.

Michel Platini
Every year we talk about that!

Pedro Pinto

Michel Platini

Pedro Pinto
But there’s been some progress; the Premier League has announced it will adopt goal-line technology. When will we see it in the Champions League?

Michel Platini
Well we don’t need because we have referees for that. For me, for me, for the UEFA competition, it will cost me 52 million euro to have the goal-line technology because I have to put in all the games in the Champions League and all the games of the Europa League. I have to put it in Kazakhstan like in Manchester, like in Turkey for all the games. It costs me 52 million euro, for one goal? Two goals by year? I prefer to invest that for the use football in the grassroots.

Pedro Pinto
A topic we normally discuss, a serious one, is racism in football. It keeps on coming up. I was recently in Italy speaking with Mario Balotelli and Kevin Prince-Boateng about it. They’ve had very tough experiences in stadiums there. I know there have been new measures announced from UEFA to increase the sanctions. Can you tell us about those? What you decided to do?

Michel Platini
It’s a proposal and each will adapt a function of their statute, regulation, state. But it’s very important for people to resolve this case. It’s not normal that people in 2013 are being insulted about their colour, about the difference of colour. It’s not normal. It’s very tough for the player on the field. But on the field the player, we are responsible for that, and we have tolerance zero for the player, and we try to do that outside the field too. To the referee to take the decision is that if something important to stop the games for one minute to make an announcement, then two minute, to make an announcement, and then to stop the game, and everybody at home.

Pedro Pinto
So correct me if I’m wrong with some of these measures. If there is racist abuse in the stands and the referee gives two warnings, at the third time, he can stop the game.

Michel Platini
Yeah, of course!

Pedro Pinto
The game is abandoned.

Michel Platini
He has to abandon the game.
Pedro Pinto
He has to abandon the game?

Michel Platini
I encourage him to do that.

Pedro Pinto
So let’s say a game is abandoned. The penalty first is to close that stand. Correct? The next stage would be to close that stand.

Michel Platini
That was a decision that we proposed to the national associations.

Pedro Pinto
Okay. If it happens a second time the whole stadium is closed.

Michel Platini
Yes. Yes.

Pedro Pinto
And they play behind closed doors, plus a 50,000 euro fine.

Michel Platini

Pedro Pinto
Is that fine enough?

Michel Platini
We will see. We will see.

Pedro Pinto
Because a lot of people still think these fines should be higher, because 50,000 for some clubs is change.

Michel Platini
It’s not a question of money. You punish a club because of the fans. So fans can be not from the club; they can be from political matter, they come to the game and they decide.

Pedro Pinto
Balotelli told me last week that if he was racially abused again he would walk off the field like Boateng did before.

Michel Platini

Pedro Pinto
You have said before that a player walking off the field would get yellow card.

Michel Platini
No. I said the last time that I agree with Boateng that he left the field, but he have to say to the referee because it’s is the referee who decide. Normally it’s – normally if a player is going away from the stadium, he has no right to go away. But it’s not a matter of the player to regulate the game and to stop the game; it’s a matter of the referee. The referee can stop the game for racist. But a player? He can’t do that. It’s not possible otherwise if you are not happy, you lost 3-0, you can go out, and what’s happened?

Pedro Pinto
What about you, Michel?

Michel Platini

Pedro Pinto
What is your future?
Michel Platini
I’m okay! And you? [laughs] How are you?!

Pedro Pinto
Are you running for FIFA president in 2015?

Michel Platini
Listen. I have to think sometime, because every people ask me this question.

Pedro Pinto
Well, people want to know.

Michel Platini
Yes, but election’s now in two years.

Pedro Pinto
But surely there’s a campaign period and you need to decide before…

Michel Platini
Yes, but let me have before, let me think before what I do. You know I am very happy in the UEFA and let me think.

Pedro Pinto
Sepp Blatter had said that this was his last term. There have been some mixed messages now. Do you think this is Sepp Blatter’s last term?

Michel Platini
I don’t know, but I will tell you in another way. I think, if Mr Blatter want to finish very well his mandate, and to go to the World Cup very strong, he can’t say to you that he will stop.

Pedro Pinto
The last couple of weeks saw two big icons connected without he European Cup retire: Sir Alex Ferguson and David Beckham. What are your thoughts on both of them and what they’ve achieved?

Michel Platini
For Alex Ferguson to stay 25 years in the same club, in the same big club, is something that will never more happen. He won everything and he’s very clever in the management of the players. He’s very clever of the manager of the group. He’s very clever in his management of society.

David Beckham is different. He’s another icon of the English football. He had beautiful years in Manchester, Real Madrid, and he has done a beautiful thing this. After winning the French league and retire he’s [laughs].

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