Pedro Pinto führte ein Exklusivinterview mit Christiano Ronaldo. Der Weltfußballer von Real Madrid verriet CNN unter anderem: „Ich habe ein schlechtes Image auf dem Platz“. Außerdem spricht er über sein Leben im Rampenlicht und seine Haltung zum Ruhm.
Der Fußballer Christiano Ronaldo von Real Madrid ist ein Fußballer, der polarisiert – entweder man liebt Ihn oder man hasst ihn. Viel schlimmer ist allerdings – und das vor allem für Ihn selbst: Er wird auf ewig im Schatten des großen Fußballer Lionel Messi bleiben – immer nur der 2. Beste und immer nur im gleichen Atemzug wie mit Lionel Messi relevant.
Ohne Lionel Messi wäre Christiano Ronaldo wahrscheinlich der bester Spieler der Welt, und ich glaube das wurmt Ihn richtig.
Das gesamte Interview + Video mit Christiano Ronaldo findet Ihr hier.
Video Interview mit Christiano Ronaldo
Interview-Highlights mit Christiano Ronaldo
Ronaldo glaubt, dass sein Image ihn einige Preise und Auszeichnungen gekostet habe, dass er manchmal ein „Opfer“ sei und den Preis für seine „Ehrlichkeit“ zahlen müsse. Er gibt zu, ein „schlechtes Image auf dem Platz“ zu haben, weil er zu „ernst“ sei.
Ronaldo würde gerne die Menschen treffen, die ihn als arrogant bezeichnen und sie dazu anregen, den „richtigen Ronaldo“ kennenzulernen.
==(Pedro Q)==
We are approaching the end of the year and that means that the Ballon D’Or is around the corner… Be honest with me… How much do you want to win it?
A lot. This means a lot for me.
==(Pedro Q)==
So, if you were someone voting and someone ask you, why are you going to pick Cristiano Ronaldo… and lets say, why are you going to pick Ronaldo instead of Messi… What would you say?
Well, I would put everything in one bag and try to see what they have done by the year, If you speak about me and Leo. Who won more things, who played better, who won the most important trophies… // So I cannot say I deserve to win, but I think I’m in good position.
==(Pedro Q)==
I spoke to some journalists who voted on the last awards were I was presenting in Monaco, the European footballer of the year… and some of them may have voted for Messi because they like Messi more than they like you. Not the football… but the image. Do you think sometimes you are a victim of that?
I don’t want to cry about that, but sometimes I think yes.
==(Pedro Q)==
Why? It’s question that I never give the 100% right answer, because sometimes I really don’t know. // Maybe sometimes, maybe I agree, I have bad image on the pitch… because I’m too serious, but if you really know me, if you are my friend, if I leave you inside my house, if you share the day with me, you will know I hate to lose.
==(Pedro Q)==
So, when they say you are arrogant for example, what does that make you feel?
People who call me arrogant, I would like to sit with them and to have a chat with them to see which way to they think I’m arrogant. // Because I think they need to sit with me to know who is the real Cristiano.
==(Pedro Q)==
So who is the real Cristiano?
I will describe myself as a… I’m a friend of who is my friend… I hate to lose, I’m honest… I’m a direct person… and I don’t go around to say things to the people I don’t like.
==(Pedro Q)==
Do you think you pay the price for being too honest then?
Yes. Sometimes yes. Definitely yes… but it’s part of my education.
Well, my relationship with him is perfect…I’m sure 100%… 200% that he is the best. Because he deserves… he shows every country who’s the best because he wins all the leagues. So, for me the best coach has to show in many places and he has shown
==(Pedro Q)==
You know I spoke with him recently and he told me that sometimes he wishes he could turn off a switch and that no one would recognise him, that he could have a normal life. Do you understand why he says that?
Of course I know. Yes.
==(Pedro Q)==
Do you ever feel like that yourself?
Yeah… Of course. Not just now, but the last five, six years…It’s part of your work, your success… people know you everywhere so sometimes I wish to go somewhere, shopping, McDonalds… not a great example but… to the coffee, and people recognise me but we are famous and we have to deal with that.