Das CNN Format „Human to Hero“ erzählt Geschichten von außergewöhnlichen Menschen und ihrem Werdegang. Im Vorfeld der FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 in Brasilien porträtiert ‚Human to Hero‘ ehemalige Fußballstars, die mit ihren Leistungen Standards gesetzt haben.
Video Kommentar Bodo Illgner
Der frühere professionelle Fußballspieler Bodo Illgner stand während seiner Karriere 54 mal für Deutschland im Tor und war dabei, als West-Deutschland im Jahr 1990 die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft gewann – er war der erste Torhüter, der in einem WM-Finale alle Bälle halten konnte.
Er spielte für Real Madrid und den 1. FC Köln – zwischen 1989 und 1992 wurde er viermal hintereinander zum „besten deutscher Torhüter“ gewählt. Außerdem hat er mit Real Madrid zwei „La Liga“ und zwei Champions League Titel gewonnen. Nach einer langwierigen Schulterverletzung verabschiedete er sich im Jahr 2001 vom aktiven Sport und ist seither als Fußball-Experte für Sky tätig.
Video: Bodo Illgner über seinen Triumph bei der WM 1990
Transkript zum Video Interview mit Bodo Illgner
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My dream as a young boy was to play with the big stars, to be one of the big stars in big stadiums as myself watched every night on TV.
My first World Cup I watched in 1974, and Germany was in the final against Holland and they won it! 2-1 after being down 1-0 so that was my very first touch with the World Cup and of course, the big dream, then be part of this one time.
I’ve played in two world cups, the first in 1990 with Germany. I was in Italy and I was 23 years old so I was a baby in the goal at that point if you want, because the goal keeper usually joins the national team at the mid twenties, the late twenties, even over the 30s, maybe. I was very very lucky to have the confidence of Franz Backenbauer (SP) our coach in 1990.
Everything worked out perfectly, atmosphere in the team was great, motivation was great, the coach did well. We had our freedom and we played very well and won it. That was 23, I was the youngest and still the youngest keeper ever to win a World Cup.
To be honest I found out that I was the first one, the first goal keeper to have a clean sheet, I found out when I came to the United States. I was just happy to hold this big and heavy trophy in my hand in the match against Argentina.
If I look back to my World Cup experience in general on my career, maybe the biggest regret I have to resign right after we lost in 94 against Bulgaria. Now I think I should have waited a little bit longer and think it over. I could have played another World Cup or even more international games.
The 1990 World Cup was a tremendous success and it was a very nice experience. 94 was not the nice, not the same good experience within the team, with the coach, around it. So I was very frustrated about how things were going during this World Cup. Actually between 1990 when Franz Backenbauer (??) left us and our new coach joined us, until 94, everything was very much frustrating and that led me to the decision to step down. Although I planned it to step down at the World Cup winner again, but it did not work out like that.
1994, my second World Cup was completely different then. We came in as the World Cup winner 4 years ago and our situation was completely different. Everybody was more motivated to play against us, our team spirit was not the same as 4 years ago, we had a different coach by then. Players got older, they were at the end of their career. So 94 has not the same good memories as 90 for me.
You know, if you look back on my long career in think highlights… that’s the world cup title in 1990 and specially in this event my penalty stop against Stuart Pierce in semi-final… in Germany for my stop penalty against Pierce.